Wednesday, November 15, 2006


The meat and dairy industries have worked hard for years to convince Americans that we need large amounts of meat.

Actually, according to numerous doctors and nutritionists, some of the worst health problems that plague our society could be dramatically reduced by adopting a meat-free or low-meat diet. Americans' high meat and dairy consumption has been linked with our high rates of cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes and obesity.

Vegetarians live an average of 6-10 years longer than meat eaters.

Here are some interesting quotes from doctors about vegetarianism and health:

"Vegetarians have the lowest rates of coronary disease of any group in the country. They have a fraction of our heart attack rate and they have only 40% of our cancer rates."
Dr. William Castelli, MD, Director, Framington Heart Study, the longest-running clinical study in medical history.

"Children who grow up getting their nutrition from plant foods rather than meats have a tremendous health advantage. They are less likely to develop weight problems, diabetes, high blood pressure and some forms of cancer."
Dr. Benjamin Spock, MD, Author

"Well-planned vegan diets are appropriate for all stages of the lifecycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood and adolescence." The American Dietetic Association position paper on vegetarianism

"Humans are the only creatures that drink milk from the mother of another species. It's as unnatural for a child to drink the milk of a cow as it is for a dog to nurse from a giraffe. Human children have no nutritional requirements for cow's milk.
Cow's milk and the products made from it are laced with foreign, frequently allergy-inciting, bovine protein and often contain hydrocarbon pesticides and other chemical contaminants, as well as health endangering saturated fat. Clinical experience suggests that cow's milk is linked to numerous common health problems (runny noses, allergies, ear infections, recurrent bronchitis, asthma, etc.) that often keep people returning to their doctor's offices. Parents should feel good about giving their children the many nutritious, tasty nondairy alternatives instead."
Dr. Michael Klaper,MD, Author

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