Monday, November 20, 2006


Over the past few days I've been thinking a lot about my hopes for this blog.

If you've read the posts leading up to this one, you've found lots of information about animal behavior and cruelty to animals, particularly in connection with factory farms, where most of the meat in the US is produced. I also wrote a little bit about health, how meat isn't as healthy as we've been lead to believe by the meat industry. Some of the animal cruelty information in this blog is very painful to read, so if you were able to get through it, thank you for reading it.

As you can probably guess by now, I would be deliriously happy if everyone on the planet stopped eating meat. I believe that this would result in happier animals and healthier people.

However, I'm realistic and I know that many people will continue to eat meat, so I've decided that my dream is for everyone to choose their food with as much compassion as possible.

If you eat meat, I hope that you will consider buying meat that wasn't raised on factory farms, where the animals are treated horribly, and where the meat is pumped full of antibiotics, pesticides and hormones, which aren't good for people or animals. Just this change would help thousand of animals lead better lives. Organic meat is available is many health food stores and grocery stores.

If you are thinking about going vegetarian, there are zillions of food options, and many great books to help you make the transition. You'll be amazed how easy it is to stop eating meat. I've heard great things about a book called THE NEW BECOMING VEGETARIAN: THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO A HEALTHY VEGETARIAN DIET by Vesanto Melina and Brenda Davis.
You can also go to google and type in "Vegetarianism" to find mountains of information.

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